Thursday, March 15, 2018


*New Update*

With the latest update, three new objects were added to Battle Royale, C4, llama loot, and teams of 20.

I personally am not the biggest fan of the c4, sure it's fun to blow up enemies and bases on command, but if you're in combat with another player, why not just use the normal grenade.

The next item on the list is the Llama loot. Honestly, I have no idea why llamas play such a big role in fortnite, but they're now in the game. I think they're kind of cool. I found one today in the middle of no where right next to a supply drop. The llama drop 500 wood and steal, a legendary grenade launcher, amo, a spike trap, and a med kit. It took about 10 seconds to open, which I thought was worth it.

The last item was the newest game mode, teams of 20. I love this game mode, I thought 50 v 50 was ok but I felt like there were too many people on the same team. To me, teams of 20 was a great idea. 5 teams of 20 jump from the bus, 1 team wins.